Destiny 2 Exotic Armor and Weapons Arriving with The Final Shape

The Final Shape – All Exotic Armor and Weapons!
In the last few weeks of Season of the Wish, Bungie has given us a preview of some of the exotic weapons and armor we’ll see in The Final Shape expansion, coming on June 4th. Each class will receive two armor pieces (that’s 6 total!) as well as at least three exotic weapons! However, Bungie is also changing the way we acquire this NEW exotic armor.

Rahool’s Reputation for Decryption
Our beloved Cryptarch, Rahool, is getting a big upgrade for The Final Shape. He’ll now have his own reputation track and rewards like Exotic Ciphers, enhancement cores, and prisms. In addition to those juicy rewards, he’ll also be the gatekeeper of all NEW exotic armor pieces. Bungie has told us that “the more you decode engrams with him, the more you increase your reputation with him.” If you want to get these new exotic armor pieces, make sure you save as many exotic engrams and prime engrams you can before The Final Shape. This will give you a head start when Rahool’s new reputation track drops on June 4th.
New Exotic Armor!
Each class will be getting two pieces of exotic armor when The Final Shape comes to PC and console on June 4th! This is in addition to the new exotic class items! Make sure you feed Rahool all the Prime and Exotic engrams to get your hands on these awesome exotics!

- Warlock Exotic Helmet Armor – Speaker’s Sight: Study the voice. Gaze into the heart.
- The Lost Voice: Healing grenades spawn a Restorative Turret. Healing allies occasionally spawns an Orb of Power.
- Warlock Exotic Chest Armor – Mataiodoxia: Arcane Needles cause a suspending detonation.
- Stylostixis: Targets damaged by Arcane Needle emit a suspending detonation when defeated, and landing multiple Arcane Needles on the same target immediately triggers a larger, more powerful detonation. Defeating suspended targets grants melee energy. Your Arcane Needles are strong against Barrier Champions.

- Hunter Exotic Leg Armor – Balance of Power: Into the Traveler, the hunt continues.
- Double Down – Your Threaded Specter has increased duration and durability, and damaging it releases additional Threadlings. While near your Threaded Specter, you do not appear on radar.
- Hunter Exotic Chest Armor – Gifted Conviction: Arc Aspects create bouncing explosives.
- The Gift of Certainty – Activating Ascension of Tempest Strike throws bouncing explosives at nearby targets that jolt and damage them. Jolting nearby targets grants you damage resistance.

- Titan Exotic Chest Armor – Hazardous Propulsion: Class ability fires Exodus rockets.
- Danger Close – Weapon precision hits or final blows have a chance to load a Kinetic Exodus rocket. Activating your class ability fires loaded Exodus rockets. Damaging targets with Exodus rockets temporarily increases the damage you deal with all other rockets.
- Titan Exotic Gauntlets – Wishful Ignorance: Every enemy of the Vanguard had a plan until…
- Wish-Dragon’s Talons – Gain an additional Frenzied Blade charge. Frenzied Blade and Flechette Storm briefly increase their damage with each strike. Pulses from your Banner of War return melee energy based on the number of allies healed.
New Exotic Weapons!

- Exotic Heavy Trace Rifle – Microcosm: “Deals massive bonus damage to shields.”
- Intrinsic Trait – Paracausal Beam: Fires a beam of Kinetic light, dealing massive bonus damage to shields.
- Exotic Auto Rifle – Khvostov: “Every seventh bullet ricochets.”
- Intrinsic Trait – The Right Choice: Every seventh bullet from this weapon deals additional damage and ricochets to nearby targets. (also comes with shoot to loot and the unique trait Eyes Up, Guardian: Collecting Orbs of Power strengthens this weapon’s next several ricochet shots, providing more damage and more bounces between targets.)
- Exotic Sniper Rifle – Still Hunt: “Charge up power to fire golden gun shots!”
- Intrinsic Trait – Cayde’s Retribution: Pick up Orbs of Power or land precision hits to charge this weapon’s Super bar. Once full, Press to fire Golden Gun shots.
- Exotic Fusion Rifle – Tessellation: (comes with preorder) “adapts damage type to match equipped subclass. Final blows grant grenade energy.”
- Exotic Sword – Ergo Sum: we don’t know much about this one yet!
- Exotic Pulse Rifle – Red Death Reformed: Final blows with this weapon cure you and increase reload speed.
- Perk, Inverse Relationship: When you deal damage with this weapon, it gains increased handling, takes reduced flinch, and movement speed is increased for a short time. When you are at reduced health, this weapon deals additional damage.