Plagueshifter 3.0 Level 75+

This build is specifically setup to blast nightmare 100 dungeons. We are taking the best parts of Plagueshifter 2.0, and mixing them with my shredsplosion build to create a landslide build that no longer is relegated to a mid game build and is now one of the best, most comfy, most survivable endgame builds. We 1 shot nightmare 100 bosses and just do it all. Hope you enjoy the guide
Update Via Hotfix 1.1.2 Regarding Barrier Changes
So in a recent hotfix they made it so we can scale barrier more as it can scale UP to our max health. This means more barrier generation = more damage. On this build you should be aiming for at least 60-70% barrier generation. However at 68% I am still 1 shotting quite literally everything at nightmare 100. So you can aim for 100% barrier or more for max damage but it truly isn’t needed unless you are fighting Lilith. Aim for at least 70% and if you are not there put diamonds in your gear. If you are above 70% you can go for the more DR so you have better survivability. You will 1 shot things anyways so might as well be more comfy in Nightmare 100. Damage DOES NOT SCALE off of your current barrier, only on your % barrier generation. 20/5 points into earthen bulwark will give u the same damage as 1/5 into Bulwark.
Spirit Boons

- Wariness
- Swooping Attacks & Avian Wrath
- Packleader
- Calm Before The Storm

Skill Tree

Basic Skills – Storm Strike (1), Enhanced Storm Strike, Fierce Storm Strike

Core Skills – Landslide (5), Enhanced -> Primal Landslide, Heart of the Wild (1), Wild Impulses (3)

Defensive Skills – Earthen Bulwark (4), Enhanced Bulwark, Innate Bulwark, Ancestral Fortitude (1) Vigilance (3)

Companion Skills – Vine Creeper (1), Enhanced Vine Creeper, Ferocious Vine Creeper

Wrath Skills – Trample (1), Enhanced Trample, Natural Trample. Neurotoxin (1), Envenom (3). Crushing Earth (3) Safeguard (3) Stone Guard (3)

Ultimate – Petrify (1), Prime Petrify,. Defiance (3), Natural Disaster (2), Resonance (3) Quickshift (1) -> Heightened Senses (3)

Keystone Passive – Nature’s Fury
- Helmet – Aspect of Might: Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for [2.0 – 6.0] seconds
- Chest – The duration of Earthen Bulwark is increased by 6 seconds. In addition, killing an enemy with Earth Skills replenishes [X] of your active Earthen Bulwark’s Barrier.
- Gloves – Subterranean Aspect: Poison Creeper’s active also casts Landslide in a circle around you. Earth Skills deal [10 – 20%] increased damage to Poisoned enemies.
- Pants – Aspect of Disobedience: You gain [0.25 – 0.50%] increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to [15.00 – 30.00%] .
- Boots – Ballistic Aspect: +2 Ranks to Earthen Skills When You Have Fortify
- Amulet – Symbiotic Aspect: (When the Nature’s Fury Key Passive triggers a free Skill, your non Ultimate Cooldowns of the opposite type are reduced by [3 – 5] seconds.)
- 1-Handed Axe – Aspect of Natural Balance: Casting a Storm Skill grants your Earth Skills [30.0 – 45.0%] Critical Strike Damage for 4 seconds. Casting an Earth Skill increases the Critical Strike Chance of Storm Skills by [8.0 – 12.0%] for 4 seconds.
- Offhand – Aspect of the Trampled Earth: Trample now summons 6 Landslide pillars of earth during its duration that deal [70 – 80%] normal damage. Trample is now also a Nature Magic and Earth Skill.
- Ring 1 – Aspect of the Aftershock: Landslide’s earth pillars each strike a second time and deal an additional [6 – 12%] bonus damage per hit.
- Ring 2 – Crashstone Aspect: Earth Skills deal [30 – 40%] more Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Stat Priorities
- Barrier Generation
- Cooldown
- Basic Attack Speed
- Armor/Life on Kill
- Damage Reduction from close
- Damage Reduction from poisoned
- Damage Reduction While Fortified
- Armor
- + Ranks Landslide
- Attack Speed
- Lucky Hit
- Crit Chance/Earth Crit
- Damage Reduction from close
- Damage Reduction
- Damage Reduction from poisoned
- Damage Reduction While Fortified
- Movement Speed
- Damage Reduction While Injured
- Movement Speed After Killing An Elite
- Dexterity (paragon Board)
- Vulnerable
- Crit Damage with Earth
- Crit Damage
- Willpower
- Basic Skill Attack Speed
- Cooldown
- Crit Chance
- DR/Lucky Hit
- Vulnerable Damage
- Crit Chance
- Crit Damage
- Max Health/Barrier Gen/ Lucky Hit
- +3 Envenom
- Cooldown
- Movement/DR
- Armor
- Armor – Sapphire (DR while Fortified)
- Jewelry – Barber Heart, Pull Distant Heart, Suppress Damage Heart
- Weapons – Emerald (Crit Damage vs Vulnerable)
Paragon Board:
D4 Planner Link With Paragon: https://d4builds.gg/builds/9d104cb1-9c69-49f1-b430-3bc8b9e7bec5/
Glyphs: Exploit, Spirit, Territorial, Earth And Sky, Undaunted, Shapeshifter